The American Medical Disorder
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- About the Professor
Peter A. Swenson, B.A. Princeton '77, Ph.D. Yale '86, is C.M. Saden Professor of Political Science at Yale. He is a two-time recipient of the American Political Science Association's Mary Parker Follett Prize for best article in politics and history, most recently for “Misrepresented Interests: Organized Business, Medicare, and the Building of the American Health Care State” (Studies in American Political Development, 2019). He also received honorable mention for the association's Luebbert Prize for best book in comparative politics for his book Capitalists against Markets: The Making of Labor Markets and Welfare States in the United States and Sweden (Oxford University Press, 2002). His latest book is Disorder: A History of Reform, Reaction, and Money in American Medicine (Yale University Press, 2021).

NYT Bestselling Author
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